Fire Tank Lining

Fire Tank Lining

Fire tanks in industrial and commercial settings need to be lined with exceptionally reliable and durable materials to ensure that they can withstand the harsh conditions they are exposed to and continue to function properly when needed.

Fire tanks are often located on rooftops to take advantage of gravity to provide a higher pressure flow, so they need a superior lining solution to maintain their storage dependability between uses. Applying a high-quality,

Australian-made fire tank liner to a new or existing fire tank or void space is the best way to ensure that your assets remain corrosion-resistant and in good condition for as long as possible.

The Impact of Extreme Heat on Fire Tank Liners

Tank Liners Australia by Raven Tanks Australia fire tank liners are designed to withstand both regular weather conditions and extreme climates, including fire. However, they can be damaged during a fire, especially if the fire is intense or prolonged.

If the fire is hot enough, the fire tank liner material that is not submerged in water will melt. However, the melted material will float on top of the water, so the tank will still be able to hold most of its water until it is empty.

Fire tank liners are better protected from radiant heat than poly tanks because of the galvanized steel structure of the tank. The tank acts as a heated “basin” that helps to minimize damage to the liner.

The Process of Restoring Something to its Original Condition

Fire sprinkler systems are essential for fire safety in Australian workplaces, but they need to be properly maintained in order to work effectively. Fire tank liners play an important role in this, as they help to keep water storage assets in good condition for long periods of time, even when they are not in use.

Tank Liners Australia by Raven Tanks Australia repairs and installs damaged, old, and new liners for commercial and industrial fire tank systems all over Australia. Depending on the severity of the damage, we can either repair the liner or replace it with a new one.

Void Liners Can be Used to Increase the Amount of Fire Water Storage in a Tank

Commercial buildings often have unused space in the basement or other voids that can be converted into fire water tanks. Tank Liners Australia by Raven Tanks Australia supplies and installs custom-made void liners to transform these wasted spaces into new fire water storage tanks.

Heavy-duty lining materials can be used to fill both obstructed and unobstructed spaces, regardless of the presence of beams, pylons, or pipes. This makes void liners a cost-effective solution for maintaining larger fire water volumes.

Additionally, void space tanks are usually hidden, making them a discreet and aesthetically pleasing option for all types of properties.

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